الرئيسية / أخبار / كلمة مضيف مؤتمر إتحاد موانىء شرق وجنوب أفريقيا (باميسا).

كلمة مضيف مؤتمر إتحاد موانىء شرق وجنوب أفريقيا (باميسا).

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the forthcoming PMAESA 2016 Conference scheduled for 27 November to 1 December 2016 at Thescp-gm-photo Shamandora Hall in Port Sudan under the sponsorship of Sea Ports Corporation Sudan in collaboration with PMAESA.

PMAESA is a regional organisation for the ports and maritime sector in eastern and southern Africa. It seeks to promote and nurture best practices among member ports by creating an enabling environment for exchange of information and capacity building to contribute to the economic development of the region.

The forthcoming conference is expected to bring together a cross-section of port executives, maritime experts, equipment manufacturers and suppliers as well as port stakeholders from within and outside Africa. The theme of the Conference is ‘Port Strategies for Harnessing the African Blue Economy and Investment Options’.


SPC in conjunction with PMAESA are looking forward to coming up with tangible action plans for our ports systems and the region to engage in rigorous deliberations and debate to come out with firm deliverables. We have invited some of Africa’s best brains on ports, maritime and economic issues to deliberate on pertinent matters affecting the best way to harness the continent’s Blue Economy.

It is our belief that you will take this opportunity to effectively and positively participate in deliberations on the pertinent issues affecting our ports systems. We sincerely believe that your insight into the maritime industry and the changes in the industry will help to improve the competitiveness of our ports and boost our regional economies to higher levels.

The organising committee and our local hosts have drawn up a splendid pre- and post-conference itinerary which we hope you will find heartening. We also welcome you to partner with us in this event through sponsorship and showcasing your products and services in an exhibition that will be running concurrently with the conference.

The ambience at the exhibition hall will offer a unique opportunity for industry leaders from Africa and beyond to meet, network and share their specialised knowledge with industry decision-makers from across Eastern and Southern Africa.

We look forward to having a fruitful conference and we are confident that it will leave lasting memories of your stay in Port Sudan.

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